Thursday, 15 January 2015

Rant Time

I have recently found two articles from the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph about ME/CFS and they have made me extremely upset and angry.

Link to Article 

"People suffering from ME should get out of bed and exercise if they want to alleviate their condition, a major study by King's College has found."

I just have to say, Why are they wasting time on studies like this when they could use that money to do research into the cause of this debilitating illness and therefore hopefully find a way to help all of us, maybe even a cure.

"Prof Trudie Chalder, from Kings College London, who led the study, said: “By identifying the mechanisms whereby some patients benefit from treatment, we hope that this will allow treatments to be developed, improved, or optimised."
"Not understanding the exact genesis of a disease did not preclude treating its symptoms, she added."

As I was reading the comments left on the guardians article I found this:
"Trudie Chalder is a professor in the Department of Psychological Medicine, King's College Hospital. She is a psychiatrist."
All I have to say about this is that a Psychiatrist will only look at at an illness in a psychological way as thats what they have been trained to do. ME/CFS is a physical illness so why is a psychiatrist doing studies on it?

Lastly I want to say that as of 2010 ME has been classed as a disability and I am deeply saddened by the lack of credit us sufferers get for dealing with all that we do every day.

So all you ME/CFS sufferers listen up!

You are Fierce. 
You are a survivor. 
You're a Fighter through and through.
 Little Brave , Breathe. 
There is a Warrior within you.

Love to you all 
- Jess

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy New Year - Plans and Goals for 2015

So its 2015! Oh My Makeup the last year has gone fast.

so its that time of year when people reflect over what they have and haven't done and create their new year resolutions. 
I for one don't think I have had any new year resolutions, ever. Well not that I can remember (#sickchickproblems).
And this year won't be any different. Setting goals is a good thing it keeps you motivated, but my fellow spoonies will know that setting goals with time limits isn't always the best idea.

So this year I'm going to set myself some (hopefully) achievable goals with no significant time limit.

I have to admit I haven't been very consistent with my blogging since I started, and its really starting to get to me. I started this blog so I would have something that was mine, somewhere to talk about the weird stuff running around in my head, somewhere that I could share my experiences and opinions. So this year I am going to do just that, I'm not quite sure how often I will blog, I haven't got that far yet. But I will be doing a beauty product review soon (just waiting for it to be delivered!) and I plan on doing a book review as well so stay tuned!

Another is to improve my diet.
 I'm not unhealthy but lately I have been eating more and more junk and I am feeling bloated and very unhealthy and half of my jeans don't fit and that just makes me sad. So that needs to change. So fruit and veggies for me.

I hope all of you have had a fantastic Christmas and have a wonderful new year. 

Have any of you got any goals/resolutions for the new year? Or any nice plans you're looking forward to? please comment and share xxx

i think this should be one of every ones 

stay lovely 

- Jess